Because addiction cannot be cured, a person may spend his or her lifetime managing the condition. While detox programs can serve as the first step to overcoming an addiction, the next step is often participation in a recovery program. Recovery programs are those that provide a person with the education, mentorship and support to overcome a drug or alcohol addiction.
To hear more about current, available programs for addiction recovery, contact Milwaukee Drug Treatment Centers at (877) 804-1531.
Rehab recovery programs are often based around the 12-step programs. These programs, such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, are built around 12 defined steps. Examples of the 12 steps include:
Other secular options exist that use many of these same basic guidelines without the spiritual aspect. Be sure to research local meetings providers and other 12-step options.
Several different models of drug and alcohol treatment therapy exist. These include cognitive/behavioral therapies, motivational interviewing and motivational incentives.
Cognitive/behavioral therapies are those that educate a person to recognize situations and responses a person can enact when tempted to relapse to drug or alcohol abuse. Examples of therapies that incorporate cognitive/behavioral approaches include restorative yoga and music and art therapy. These therapies help a person learn a healthy way to cope with his or her temptations to return to drug or alcohol abuse.
The SMART recovery program is another example. This stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training. This program incorporates motivational interviewing as well as cognitive-behavioral approaches. The program utilizes four major principles as an alternative to the traditional 12 steps:
Motivational Interviewing is when a person does not have significant levels of motivation to quit abusing drugs or alcohol. This involves one-on-one or group therapies as a means to help a person find his or her own personal incentives to quitting drug and alcohol abuse. Examples of motivational interviewing therapies include moral reconation therapy (MRT). This approach is used in people who are traditionally resistant as it helps them to change their patterns of thinking and decision-making skills.
Motivational Incentives involve rewarding a person for making progress in his or her sobriety. This includes rewards for negative drug tests and for participation in group or individualized therapies. Family therapy is an example of a therapy type that practices this model.
The National Institute on Drug Abuse outlines 13 principles of effective drug addiction treatment. Examples of these treatments principles include that treatment must be individualized and appropriate for the specific individual. This includes taking into account other health issues a person may be suffering from, including attention for mental illnesses or chronic physical conditions.
People do not have to enter treatment voluntarily in order for it to be effective. Therapies, including motivational interviewing, can help those who do not feel as motivated to quit drugs and/or alcohol. The other therapy models should also be incorporated to help a person effectively treat his or her addiction.
For more information on recovery programs and therapy, please call Milwaukee Drug Treatment Centers at (877) 804-1531.