Drug Addiction Treatment Centers Milwaukee, WI

Drug treatment encompasses a number of therapies and approaches designed to help a person quit abusing drugs for good. Drug treatment can include an inpatient stay at a Milwaukee-based treatment facility or be delivered on an outpatient basis.

For those who have tried to quit abusing drugs in the past and relapsed, drug treatment can mean the difference between sobriety and potentially life-threatening struggles with drug abuse. Take the first step when you contact Milwaukee Drug Treatment Centers at (877) 804-1531.

Who Needs Drug Treatment Centers?

Drug treatment can benefit anyone who struggles with drug abuse or has struggled with drug abuse in the past. While some people may be motivated to seek drug treatment and gain assistance in beating the addiction, others may not recognize they have a drug problem or be motivated to seek drug treatment.

Signs a person may need drug treatment include:

  • Physical: Physical warning signs include strong cravings for the drug when not using it as well as withdrawal symptoms in between uses. A person addicted to drugs may lose or gain weight noticeably as well as have experience changes in breathing, tremors, bloodshot eyes and smaller-than-normal pupils.
  • Social: If a person lacks a supportive family or friend environment to help him or her overcome a drug addiction, inpatient treatment may be recommended. These treatments help a person recover in a safe place where a trained medical staff is dedicated to a person's sobriety.
  • Health: Drug use can cause both long- and short-term health effects for a person. Drug abuse can weaken the immune system as well as cause long-term complications, such as pneumonia, liver disease and kidney disease. Intravenous drug users, such as those who abuse heroin, are also at greater risk for HIV and hepatitis infections.

If you have a friend or loved one who shows signs of needing drug treatment, yet may be resistant to seeking help, an intervention may be required. This approach involves meeting with a person to share concerns, such as changes noticed in a person's behavior, ways a person's health has declined and how the person's drug abuse has affected those around him or her.

Options at Drug Treatment Centers

Several drug treatment options are available to help a person who struggles with drug abuse. These include the following:

  • Residential: Residential drug treatments include living at a facility for an extended time period, such as 30 days or more.
  • Inpatient: Inpatient treatments usually involve a three-day or more stay at a facility. This is usually when a person is in crisis or would like to seek medical detox treatments.
  • Outpatient: Outpatient treatments involve visiting a drug treatment facility on a daily or weekly basis. This can be for a variety of therapies, from drug detox services to group therapy to counseling.

Choosing the right service for you or a loved one can depend upon a number of factors. Generally speaking, a person should consider inpatient treatments when he or she has tried to quit in the past and has relapsed, has an underlying mental illness or experiences low levels of motivation to quit. If a person has a supportive family or friend system and is motivated to quit, he or she may be able to undergo outpatient treatments successfully.

Drug treatment centers offer a number of beneficial therapies that have been proven to help a person achieve sobriety. These include medical detoxification services, which involve administering medications to reduce severe withdrawal symptoms and cravings and therapy, such as individual counseling or group therapy.

Relapse prevention programs are also an important aspect of inpatient therapy, as these programs help patients anticipate future challenges. To learn how, contact Milwaukee Drug Treatment Centers at (877) 804-1531.

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