Few types of drug abuse are as serious or widespread as prescription drug abuse, which is why prescription drug treatment in Milwaukee is necessary. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, over 8 million Americans use prescription medications non-medically every year. About 5 million use painkillers, about 2 million use tranquilizers, and about 1 million use sedatives. All of this begs the question -- why is prescription drug abuse so common? The answer to this question is more complex than it might seem at first. It all boils down to the fact that prescription drugs are easily accessible and extremely addictive. Because they're legal when prescribed by a doctor and used correctly, there isn't as much of a taboo around prescription drug abuse as there is with other types of drug abuse.
If you are suffering from prescription drug abuse, call Milwaukee rehab and recovery centers for help. Dial (877) 804-1531 today.
The abuse of prescription drugs is complicated. The reason for this is that doctors often prescribe them for medical reasons. The most basic definition of their abuse is when they're used non-medically. In other words, when they're used in a manner other than the one prescribed or by someone they weren't prescribed to.
The reasons for prescription drug abuse vary widely. These commonly include getting high, increasing performance, and reducing pain. And once they are abused, prescription drugs are difficult to quit. They create both a mental and physical dependency in the user. When the user stops taking them, painful and dangerous withdrawal symptoms often set in.
The list of prescription medications that are abused is almost endless. Seriously though, if it's a medication, chances are someone's abused it. However, there are a handful of drugs that are abused more often than others.
The types of prescription drugs that are most commonly abused include opioids, sedatives, and stimulants. These are medically prescribed for a variety of reasons. However, those abusing them are using them for reasons that aren't medically acceptable.
If you're struggling with addiction to prescription drugs, rest assured because there is help out there. The key is to accept that you have a problem and then seek this help.
Checking into Milwaukee medical detox is the number one way to quit abusing prescription medications for good. Attending this rehab program will help you safely and effectively quit using the prescription drugs you're addicted to. Afterward, you should attend a local Narcotics Anonymous meeting (http://namilwaukee.org/). Don't let prescription drug abuse take over your life. Call Milwaukee drug detox centers today!